The ruler was invented by a person known as Theodorus of Crete. He lived around 6th century BC and was a Greek engineer, sculptor and architect.
The meter ruler was not invented by a single individual, but rather was established as a unit of measurement by the French Academy of Sciences in the late 18th century. The meter was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the North Pole to the Equator along a meridian passing through Paris. The meter ruler, a physical representation of this unit of length, has since become a standard tool for measuring length in the metric system.
We do not know, this information was never recorded, but it is evident from the buildings of the ancients that standard units for length were in use then.
A ruler can be classed as a straight edge.
find a ruler with decimals.
The ruler was invented by a Greek man, theodorus, crete. And it was invented in 4400 bc
on venus
Hammurabi was a person, the ruler. He was not invented!
1500 bc
An Ancient Ruler.
Historians recognize Thodorus of Crete, a well known Greek engineer and sculptor who invented the first ruler in the sixth century.
Answer: The ruler was invented because people and scientist needed to know measurements of different objects and they needed to prove their theories by explaining how they got this instrument and what did they use.
The ruler was invented in 1675 and unfortunately, to this day, no one knows by whom it was invented.
theodorus of crete invented the ruler
It is a Sir Merargihre from Greece in 2653 BC.
Chuko (Zhuge) Liang invented the wheelbarrow. He was the ruler of Shu Han, one of the kingdoms of the Han dynasty.
He invente d the metal tools in that cebtury first