

Who use the first to use pi?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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The first person to use pi is the awesome man Archimedes he was the first to compute pi's value accurately! I know this answer and I'm in 5th grade!:)

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Q: Who use the first to use pi?
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Who were the first people to use pi?

The Hindus created PI

What country was the first to use PI?

the ancient Egyptians used pi to build pyramids

Who was the first person to use pi first and when?

William Jones in 1706

Why did Archimedes first use the symbol Pi?

Archimedes first used the symbol PI because he was the first one to discover it so he wanted to investigate about it.

Who was the person first to use 3.14 as pi?

i think Archimedes was the first to discover pi (3.14) or leonhard euler by brichelle xD

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The Babylonians probably didn't use "pi", as it is a Greek letter and I don't think the civilisations overlapped.

Who was the first to use pi as a number?

The ancient Babylonians used pi as a number approx 4000 years ago.

What does Pi mean in mathermathics?

Pi is a number that is never ending, but most people only use the first couple of digits. pi = 3.14159265 pi is the ratio of a circles' diameter to its circumference

Who wrote pi pi mathematical pi?

Anglesey-born William Jones was the first person to use the Greek letter π for the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

Why did Archimedes use the pi symbol?

Archimedes first used the symbol PI because he was the first one to discover it so he wanted to investigate about it.

What is the number that you use to find pi?

the number is that you use for pi is 3.14 the number is that you use for pi is 3.14