The Babylonians probably didn't use "pi", as it is a Greek letter and I don't think the civilisations overlapped.
Pi was first used by the Babylonians and Egyptians.
The Egyptians and the Babylonians are the first cultures that discovered Pi about 4,000 years ago.
The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.
In ancient Babylonian and Biblical times the value of pi was considered to be about 3
The babylonians first discovered the ratio compared to the diameter and circumference of a circle. Later, Archimedes(287-212BC) discovered and proved his theory of pi. Pi to 27 decimal places: 3.141592653589793238462643383 The square root of pi (to 30 decimal places) is: 1.772453850905516027298167483314
Pi was first used by the Babylonians and Egyptians.
The ancient Babylonians used pi as a number approx 4000 years ago.
the Babylonians were the first -haley
The first to find the value in pi were the Babylonians and Egyptians.
Egyptians and Mesopotamians and babylonians
The Egyptians and the Babylonians are the first cultures that discovered Pi about 4,000 years ago.
Dear Ask. What value of PI did the babylonians obtain?
most likely 2/7
Pi came from the Babylonians in 3000 B.C.
The Babylonians first used 25/8 for this number around 1900BC
it first used by the babylonians and egyptians even though they didnt understand it nearly as well as we do.