Because shapes with parallel sides are weak. Triangular sides are more stable - which is why the steel infrastructure in buildings and bridges etc usually have triangular cross-members to add strength to the structure.
Many shapes have more than one line of symmetry. These include a rectangle, equilateral triangle, and a square. While a rectangle has two lines of symmetry, an equilateral triangle has three.
it is possible, if the triangle is bigger than the rectangle, for example the rectangle has a base of 5 and height of 2-- so the area is 10; and then the triangle has a base of 5 and a height of 4-- the area is also 10.
The triangle is the only one.
i dont think there is one but i want to be sure
A circles structural shape is in fact stronger than a triangles structural geometric shape.
the rectangle is sroger becuz its loger
Many shapes have more than one line of symmetry. These include a rectangle, equilateral triangle, and a square. While a rectangle has two lines of symmetry, an equilateral triangle has three.
Given unchanging lengths of the sides, a triangle cannot change its shape. But given unchanging lengths of the sides of a rectangle, it can change its shape by some force by changing its angle measurements. If a 2d load were put on a rectangle, enough force could squish the rectangle into a parallelogram, whereas a triangle cannot change shape without changing the lengths of its sides or bending its sides out of shape (most likely into a curve).Given these properties, a rectangle can collapse its shape much more easily and is flimsy compared to a triangle.
A rectangle has 4 sides, while a triangle has 3 sides.
Square, circle, rectangle, octagon, pentagon, triangle, hexagon, trapezoid, rhombus. These are just some
A square is a type of rectangle. A rectangle is a type of polygon. Polygons are just 2D shapes with more than three straight sides, where there are no open ends or lines crossing over each other. Triangle and up, basically.
anything smaller than the triangle
Rectangle has more right angles than the right triangle. The right triangle only has 1 right angle, while the rectangle has 4.
It is NOT!