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Contour lines are imaginary lines that join points of equal height. Therefore, say, a 300 metre height contour line can never meet a 400 metre height one.

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Q: Why can't contour lines cross merge or split?
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Can contour lines on a map split?

no thwy cant because there is never a elevation of zero

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List four characteristics of contour lines?

Contour lines show elevation changes on a map by connecting points of the same elevation. They form closed loops that indicate hills, valleys, and slopes. The spacing between contour lines indicates the steepness of the terrain, with closer lines representing steeper slopes. Contour lines never cross, split, or merge, allowing for a clear depiction of the land's topography.

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Unix is one of the operating systems that split into two line only to merge again later. CP/M is another one of the operating systems as well.

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May be "split",yea

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To merge clips in CapCut, drag and drop the clips you want to merge onto the timeline and adjust their positions. To split a clip, select the clip on the timeline and tap the scissor icon to cut it at the desired point.

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