

Why didn't Pythagoras like beans?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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because he didnt like the taste of them

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Q: Why didn't Pythagoras like beans?
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Pythagoras and his followers would not eat beans as they would only eat "pure food" and beans did not fall under this category.

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Keep the secrets of the school and not eat beans. No, really: Pythagoras had a neurotic fear of beans.

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Why did Pythagoras not eat beans?

Because he believed that they contained human souls.

Why didn't Pythagoras eat beans?

Because the Egyptians wouldn't allow him to when he was being taught.

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He would not eat beans because he was a vegetarian and when he split the beans open he believed there was a tiny human being in the center.

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Pythagoras wouldn't eat beans because he thought they contained/were human souls, and would not wear cloaths made of animal skins.

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he did not eat beans because he thought they weren't pure enough.

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Pythagoras is not a landscape or a place. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded a cult religion called Pythagoreanism in Ancient Greece.

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Pythagoras became famous for proving that Pythagoras' theorem was correct, making other famous Greeks like Plato and Aristotle inspired to be a mathematician.

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i didnt spell ir right haha well.. it means...GREEN BEANS IN SPANISH!!