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The amount of fuel injected into each cylinder is very precisely metered and must be equal (under any given set of running conditions) for each cylinder.

Fuel pressure along a length of pipe will decrease as the pipe length increases and this affects the quantity of fuel that will end up being injected.

For this reason the fuel injector pipes are made to equal length.

The effect of unequal pipe lengths would be uneven engine running and reduced performance. In the short term, whilst this effect might go unnoticed by many users, the long term costs (increased wear, more frequent maintenance and greater fuel consumption) would be hard to ignore.

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Q: Why do diesel injector pipes have to be the same length?
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with the bonnet open... you will see four pipes going to the injectors. using a 17mil spanner undo the top of injector, ( the one nearest the the timing belt ) bout three turns should do it. now turn the engine over till diesel starts shooting out . tight up and do the same with all four. be careful as the engine will start after you have dun the second injector. job dun

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How do you say diesel in spanish?

diesel, it is just the same

Is there a motor that can use diesel and regular gas?

even know the mechanism is pretty much the same a diesel fuel has a lower ignition temperature than gasoline, allowing combustion to occur simply by compressing the air/fuel mixture. Gasoline engines require a spark plug to ignite the fuel. Too much gasoline will not allow the engine to work efficiently and quite possibly not at all. Also, diesel engines use an injector pump to pressurize the diesel so it will form a fine mist when pushed through the injectors. These pumps require the lubrication of diesel to continue to work. Excess gasoline will cause failure in the injector pump and damage the injectors. this is why there are non dual fuel system engines

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Yes the pump feeds them or you could just unplug injector(s)

Cherokee 1997 vm diesel you have loss of power at 2000rpm in all gears Been told it is your injector sensor as it runs the same when it is unpluged?

Correct, mine's the same. It seems to be a common problem but at least you can still drive it while you source a replacement. Ebay seems the best bet.