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Because the square root isn't listed twice.

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13y ago

Every number has an even number of factors. If the number is a perfect square,

then two of its factors are equal, so the pair looks like a single number.

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Q: Why do perfect squares have an odd number of factors?
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Odd number factors?

Perfect squares are numbers with an odd number of factors.

Numbers that have an odd number of factors are what?

perfect squares

What numbers with an odd numbers of factors?

Perfect squares have an odd number of factors.

Which number from ten to twenty has an odd number of factors?

Only perfect squares can have an odd number of factors. The answer is 16. It has five factors: 1,2,4,8,16.

What type of number has an odd number of factors?

A perfect square has an odd number of factors. Factors of numbers always come in pairs -- except for perfect squares. Since the square root of a perfect square is listed only once on the list of factors, it results in a list with an odd number of factors.

How many numbers which are less than 1000 have an odd number of factors?

Perfect squares have an odd number of factors. There are 31 perfect squares less than 1000.

What do all perfect squares have?

Right angles an odd number of factors

What even number less than 100 has an odd number of factors?

Perfect squares have odd numbers of factors. The perfect squares less than 100 are: 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100. 64 seems to fit both criteria.

What has an odd number of factors?

Squares have an odd number of factors.

Why does number 25 have a odd number of factors?

Because it's a square number. All perfect squares have an odd number of factors because they have one factor pair that is the same number twice (the square root) and when the factors are listed, the number is listed once.

What type of factor has an odd number of factors?

A perfect square has an odd number of factors.

What is a number that has an odd number of factors?

if a number has an odd number of factors it would be a perfect square