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It ain't it's all a load of bull It ain't it's all a load of bull

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Q: Why is geometry useful?
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Do you consider plane and geometry useful?


When is analytic geometry useful?

Analytic Geometry is useful when manipulating equations for planes and straight lines. You can get more information about Analytic Geometry at the Wikipedia. Once on the page, type "Analytic Geometry" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

How much geometry do interior designers use?

Plenty, it is also a useful life skill to know geometry.

What is the application of analytic geometry in daily life?

analytical geometry is extremely useful in solving the geometrical problems

What is the definition of geometry in daily life?

Definition of geometry in daily life is the use of geometry that is useful or practical in life. This might mean using geometry to build things like a carpenter.

How was geometry useful in indus valley civilization?

its extremerly complecated

In what ways is the Pythagorean Theorem useful?

In real life its not useful, unless you're going to need geometry in the career you choose.

What is the Michel Thomas Method?

The Michel Thomas method is a math method used for solving Geometry problems. This method is very useful if you have to do many geometry equations and formulas.

What branch of mathematics is the pythagorean theorem most useful in?

Geometry, especially when it comes to triangles and squares.

How useful geometry in real life?

My science teacher said it was not useful as it is misleading. But he said if you want to go down that rote you should go down physics

What are the uses of geometry in dailylife?

You need to get more creative. You can use geometry to find the area of just about anything in day to day life. You can use geometry to find the height of buildings by using the shadow. You can use geometry to find the space of just about anything. There are tones of ways. Even though as a geometry student I don't like to admit that what I'm learning is useful, it kinda is.

How are Euclid's concepts useful today?

Euclid is considered one of the greatest thinkers of all time. His Euclidean geometry is still one of the many techniques in Geometry that are taught today. His elements taught plane and solid geometry, algebra as well as number theory.