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because it has angles so you can't make a triangle

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Q: Why is not possible to make an equilateral triangle on a geoboard?
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Can an equilateral triangle be acute?

Yes. Acute angle is less than 90°. 60° which is less than 90°, can make an equilateral triangle .

Why is it not possible to make an equilateral triangle on a geoboard?

This is basically related to the required angle of 60°. The tangent of 60° is an irrational number; thus, if one of the sides is horizontal, and one of the triangle's endpoints is in the origin of coordinates, you won't find integer numbers that lie directly on the 60° line. If you start from a non-horizontal position, you would still run into the same problem, since the "base side", the first side you draw, has integer-valued endpoints - and the tangent of the angle will be rational. You'll find a more detailed proof in several places online, but that's the basic idea.

What is the rectangle method in math?

The term "rectangle method" is used in different ways in math, but I will guess that your question is related to finding areas on a Geoboard. A Geoboard has a grid of pegs; you can make outlines of figures by stretching elastic bands around the pegs. If your figure is a triangle, you can find it's area by making the smallest rectangle which will enclose the triangle (The rectangle should have vertical and horizontal sides). The area of the rectangle can be found easily by multiplying the length by the width. The area of the triangle is half of the area of the rectangle.

Can angles with 40 90 and 50 degrees be an equilateral triangle?

Oh, what a happy little question! Unfortunately, those angles wouldn't make an equilateral triangle, but don't worry, mistakes are just happy accidents in the world of geometry. You'll find the right angles to create a beautiful equilateral triangle with all sides and angles equal in no time. Just keep on painting and exploring, my friend.

How do you make triangle in mswlogo?

First, do these commands : FD 100 RT 120 FD 100 RT 120 FD 100 Next, the the turtle is still present, so type HT in the box. And then you're done by getting a right sided equilateral triangle.