

Why is pi infinite?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Pi (π) is ratio between the diameter and circumference of a circle. It cannot be expresses as an exact fraction or as decimal number. Work has been done to extend the values in pi's decimal part to more than a billion places without any pattern appearing. For this reason it is called irrational. An infinite numner is a number that is bigger than any other number. Pi is well defined, it is bigger than 3.1415 but smaller than 3.1416, so it is not infinite, even though the number of decimal numbers need to represent it may well be.

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Q: Why is pi infinite?
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How you know the value of pi is 3.1428571?

Because - no matter how big a circle is - if you divide the circumference by the diameter - you will ALWAYS get the value of Pi ! As an approximate fraction, the value is 22/7. As a decimal , it's an infinite number.

What is the area of a circle that has a radius of 3 miles?

Area of a circle formula: pi*radius^2 (pi multipled by (radius squared)) Pi is a number with an infinite number of decimal places, it is on most good calculators (the symbol looks a bit like a bridge, or something from Stone Henge). If you can't find the function for pi on your calculator, use the approximation pi=3.14159. So, Area=3.14159 multiplied by 3^2.

What do you if you divide the circumference of the sun by its diameter?

If you divide the circumference of the sun by its diameter you will have found the number called "Pi". The actual number is an infinite string of digits that starts 3.14159. This is true for any circle of any size: The circumference divided by the diameter equals Pi. Conversely if you know the diameter you can multiply that by Pi (3.14159) and that will give you the circumference. The diameter multiplied by Pi equals the circumference.

How is pi worked out?

Pi is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. The first and most obvious way to find pi is to measure both the circumference and the diameter. This gives a very rough approximation. A second way is to use geometry. By fitting regular shapes with large numbers of sides both around and inside the circle we can narrow the boundary for the potential value of pi. The most accurate way to find pi is to do with its use in certain very complex formulae. Computers are required to determine pi to an infinite decimal place.

How do people find digits of pi?

Pi is the ratio of C/2r where C is the circumference and r is the radius. No matter what circle you look at, this ratio will always remain the same number, which is pi. Now if one was to look at the circle of radius 1, you would only need to calculate the length of the circumference and divide it by two. Since you can always measure in smaller and smaller increments, you can always come up with more and more numbers to add to the length of the circumference and thus come up with more and more digits of pi. To find the actual values of the digits of pi, search for "digits of pi" on any Internet search site. Actually, there are a number of infinite series that add to pi or to a function of pi. These are used to calculate pi to very high degrees of accuracy.

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How many decimal places are in π?

If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.If you mean the number pi, that has an infinite number of decimals.

Does pi represent a finite or infinite number?

Pi is an irrational number. As such, it has an infinite number of digits.

What classification of numbers does pi fit into?

pi is infinite pi is about 3.1415

How far can pi go?

Pi is infinite and has no end.

How many numbers in Pi?

there are infinite numbers in pi

Is 3.14 short for pi?

Yes, 3.14 is short for pi. Pi is infinite.

Can pi be written as a infinite decimal?

Pi is never-ending, thus infinite, but it is usually considered 3.14 for short.

What number divided by another number equals pi?

This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.This has an infinite number of answers, for example: pi / 1, (2 x pi) / 2, 1 / (1/pi), etc.

What is the valule of pi?

PI is infinite, but commonly refered as 3.14.

What is the diameter of a circle when you have the circumference?

pi (3.1415926535897932384626433832795) also pi is infinite

What is all of the numbers in pi?

They are infinite because pi is an irrational number

List all numbers of PI to infinity?

Yes, the digits of Pi are an infinite set. No, it is not possible to list the members of an infinite set.