It used variables (x,y) in a plane in which shapes can be created.
trusses on a bridge
A bridge
Old Bridge
In the given truss bridge parallelogram ABCD and PQRS are congruent if AB 24 feet what is PQ?
ball sack
People who wanted to apply complex Algebra to real world concepts, like equations of a slope on a bridge founded analytic geometry.
The answer to page 69 in Punchline Bridge to Algebra worksheet is to the tossed and found.
39.5 m
You can go to google and type in Punchline Bridge to Algebra Marcy Mathworks. Then you will need to order the one you want. ( Just so you no they are expensive.)
Steel and geometry, tension, straight, aches and channels make a good bridge
Do it yourself
I dont know??????
Just do the math dummy
the big
Yes- a LOT!