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Q: Witch 3d shape has 8 vertices and edges not the same length?
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What 3D shape has most vertices and edges?

There is no limit to the number of vertices nor edges.

What shape has 0faces 0 edges 0 vertices?

A sphere has no faces, edges, or vertices.

What shape has 4 vertices and 6 edges?

The shape of a triangular based pyramid has 4 vertices, 6 edges and 4 faces

What shape has 6 edges 12 edges and all the edges are the same length?

If you mean 6 faces and 12 edges then a cube would fit the given description which also has 8 vertices.

What does vertices of a shape mean?

Vertices = Corners

What shape has 4 vertical edges?

Some shapes that have 4 edges and 4 vertices are squares, rectangles, and parallelograms. A shape with 4 edges and 4 vertices is called a quadrilaterals.

What shape am i i am a solid with no edges or vertices?

You are a sphere

What shape has no faces no vertices and no edges?

It is a cylinder

Do vertices have to be pointed out?

No, vertices do not have to be pointed out. Vertices are the points where the edges of a shape or object meet. They can be sharp or rounded, depending on the shape or object.

What shape has 6 faces 6 vertices and 9 edges?

The shape would be impossible. The faces and vertices have to add up to two more than the edges.

How many vertices edges and faces does a regtangiel?

There is no such shape as a regtangiel. If you meant a rectangle, that is a 2-dimensional shape with 4 vertices, 4 edges and one face.

What 3D shape has no edges no vertices and no flat aces?
