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Q: You are building a gazebo that has a base in the shape of a regular octagon Each side of the base has a length of 9 feet What is the area of the octagonal floor to the nearest foot?
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What is a octagonal pyramid?

In general, an octagonal pyramid is a pyramid with an octagon for a base and triangles (which all have a common vertex) for sides. The octagon my or may not be a regular one.

How many parallel lines does an octagon have?

An octagon had four pairs of parallel lines.

What things are shaped like an octagonal prism?

In geometry, the octagonal prism is the sixth in an infinite set of prisms, formed by square sides and two regular octagon caps. Pencils and kaleidoscopes are shaped like octagonal prisms.

The perimeter of a regular octagon is 32 inches. What is the area of the octagon Round to the nearest whole number?

77 in

What degree cuts do you need to make an equal octagonal wooden shape?

The interior angles of a regular octagon are each 135 degrees.

How do you find surface area and volume of an octagonal prism?

If the octagon at the base is regular, the side of the octagon is s and the height of the prism is h, the area of each octagonal base (Ab) is Ab = 2(√2 +1) s2 The perimeter of the octagon is P = 8s Then the surface area of the prism is As = 2 Ab + Ph The volume of the prism is V = Ab h

What is -- To the nearest degree what is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular octagon?

Each exterior angle of a regular octagon is 360/8 = 45 degrees

To the nearest degree, what is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular octagon?

45 degrees

How many sides does a regular octagon have?

A regular octagon has 8 sides.

Is octagon regular or not?

An 8 sided octagon can be either regular or irregular in shape.

What do the mathematics call a regular polygon with eight sides?

A polygon with eight sides, regular or not, is an octagon. There isn't a special name for a regular octagon (other than "regular octagon").

What are the properties of a regular octagon?

A regular octagon has 8 sides similarly to an octagon. The name regular octagon means that all angles are the same, therefore inferring that all sides are of equal length.