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During the period of 2006 to 2008, approximately 80% of individuals aged 65 and over rated their health as good, very good, or excellent.

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Q: During the period if 2006 2008 what percent of individuals aged 65 and over rated their as good very good or excellent?
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What During which period of 2006-2008 what percentage of individuels aged 65 and over rated their health as good very good or excellent?

According to data from the National Health Interview Survey, during the period of 2006-2008, approximately 77-79% of individuals aged 65 and over rated their health as good, very good, or excellent.

During the period of 2006-2008 what percent of indivuals aged 65 and over rated their health?

During 2006-2008, approximately 70% of individuals aged 65 and over rated their health as good, very good, or excellent. This indicates a generally positive perception of health among this age group during that time period.

What does 'near contemporaries' mean?

'Near contemporaries' refers to individuals who lived during roughly the same period of time or who were alive around the same era. They are often considered to be part of the same generation or historical timeframe.

What does 5 year look back period mean in terms of life estate and medicaid?

A 5-year lookback period refers to the timeframe during which Medicaid examines an applicant's financial transactions to determine eligibility for benefits. If an individual has transferred ownership of assets, such as a life estate, within this period, it may impact their Medicaid eligibility. The goal is to prevent individuals from transferring assets to qualify for benefits while maintaining access to these assets.

What statement is correct about the middle adulthood years?

Middle adulthood typically ranges from ages 40 to 65, during which individuals often experience stability in their careers and relationships. This period is also characterized by physical changes such as declining metabolism and changes in reproductive functions. Additionally, individuals in middle adulthood may experience a transition in roles, such as becoming caregivers for aging parents or adjusting to an "empty nest" as children leave home.

Related questions

During the period of 2006-2008 what percent of individuals aged 65 and over rated their health as good very good or excellent?

75 percent

What During which period of 2006-2008 what percentage of individuels aged 65 and over rated their health as good very good or excellent?

According to data from the National Health Interview Survey, during the period of 2006-2008, approximately 77-79% of individuals aged 65 and over rated their health as good, very good, or excellent.

During the period of 2006-2008 what percent of indivuals aged 65 and over rated their health?

During 2006-2008, approximately 70% of individuals aged 65 and over rated their health as good, very good, or excellent. This indicates a generally positive perception of health among this age group during that time period.

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