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if there are a total of 150 students in a classroom of these students 30% eat during the first lunch priod, 20% eat during the second lunch period, and the rest eat during the third lunch period. how many of her students eat during each lunch period? Is this a question or an answer? 45 eat during the first lunch period, 30 during the second lunch period and 75 during the third lunch period.

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Q: There are 30 students in ms keusch's homeroom of the students 40 percent are boys What percent of the students are girls?
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It is not opssible to give a sensible answer to this question. 46+58 = 104. So if the class has 46% girls and 58% boys then the class has 4% who are simultaneously girls and boys.

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80 = 100% 8 = 10% 32 = 40% 80 - 32 = 48

How do you express answer as a percent?

A percent means--per 100. Let's say we know there is a groulp of 35 students of which 7 are girls. Q. What is the percent of girls in the group? A. First we look at the number of girls divided by the total number of students. This will give us a decimal number. In this case, O.2 To get the percent of girls, we convert this decimal to percent or per 100 by both multiplying and dividing by 100. We can do this without changing the value of 0.2 since 100/100=1. We just change the units. (In this case though we just don't do the division.) So this turns out to be 20/100 eg 20 per 100 or 20 percent.

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With a ratio of 7:4 there are 7+4 = 11 parts - 7 parts are girls, 4 parts are boys. 77 students / 11 parts = 7 students/part Girls are 7 parts → girls = 7 students/part × 7 parts = 49 students For the ratio of girls : students, you can either use the figure just found: 49 : 77 = 7 : 11, or just go back to the original ratio: 11 parts are students, 7 of those parts are girls → ratio girls : students = 7 : 11

How many students are girls in Blueprint?

THIS IS NOT A ANSWER THIS IS JUST THE WORD PROBLEM! There are 340 students in Blueprint Middle School, 40% are boys. How many students are girls in Blueprint?

The ratio of boys 2 girls in feeling this class is 1to 3 there are 24 students in the class how many of the students are girls?

There would be 6 boy students and 18 girl students in the class.