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yes.! the fractional values will be considered from the right of the unit bar in abacus

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Q: Can you work fractions on an abacus?
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How does the the abacus work?

It goes by the number places.

What are the advantages of the abacus?

One of the advantages of the abacus is that it is easy to use. Another is that it does not require electricity to work. You can use it no matter where you are.

What could the abacus do?

The abacus is a mathemetical instrument used to calculate. It can do anything from addition ,maltiplicaiton, division, subtraction to calculating fractions. It is an ancient Chinese instrument used in shops for billing. Today there are many classes to teach children about the abacus and how it functions. Many adults too have found their intrests lying here and decide to work on this for their career. There are international, national, state, district, city, institution level competitions in which about a thousand student will participate. Believe me it is great fun.

Which country invented the abacus?

China invented the abacus .

How does a Chinese abacus work?

A Chinese abacus is called a Suan Pan. It works because it is based upon the decimal system, so the beads are used to count groups of ten.

What is a group of companies that agree to work together?

Fractions? correct answer is factions not fractions

How do you say abacus in Hindi?


Disadvantage of an abacus?

disadvantage of abacus

How did the abacus occur?

How did the abacus occur?

What does an abacus have?

An Abacus has beads and strings.

What was the first abacus?

The Chinese abacus

What is the history of the abacus?

the history about the abacus is that 3000 years ago the chinese invented the abacus. The abacus was made of wood parrelel rod and beads.