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Positive: 1. Higher income 2. Higher yield 3. More food for Earth's population 4. Subsidised costs for the poor 5. Decrease inflation rates 6. Save of time and land 7. Cheaper rice Negative: 1. Higher capital input 2. Lack of labour for the poor 3. Prices may drop 4. The poor may get poorer 5. High-risk investments 6. A need for loaning for the poor 7. Pollution 8. May have poorer quality Conclusion: Green Revolution has both positive and negative impacts. It depends on whether you want to take the risk. Not all the rich have become richer and not all the poor have become poorer! Keep in mind environmental-friendliness.

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13y ago


1 - Increase in Production / yield.

2 - Advantage to farmers: this includes their economic situation improving, even small and marginal farmers (although they were late in joining) getting better yield, control on many insects and pests, mechanizing improved working conditions.

3- Better land use by employing two and three crop pattern.

4 - better scientific methods applied as per requirement of farms.

5- New seeds have been developed with better yield and disease fighting capability.

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