Nicholas Copernicus stated that the Earth rotates on an axis and orbits around the Sun. To come about this he used circles moving in an orbit, or circular way, to support his system about Earth and its rotation. He used fixed stars, or "non moving" stars, to show the motion of other planets.
after its discovery in 1804 by Padre Jose Nicolas
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Nicolas Copernicus' homeland is Poland
yes there is a element called "Copernicum" which is named after Nicolas Copernicus.
Spain claimed the Philippine Islands in 1521 by the discovery of Ferdenand Magellan.
after its discovery in 1804 by Padre Jose Nicolas
Nicolas Hartsoeker used a compound microscope to make his discovery. He made significant contributions to the field of microscopy and was known for his detailed observations of sperm cells using this apparatus.
Beryllium was discovered in France by the French chemist Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin in 1798.
Nicolas Steno is a Danish geologist and anatomist. He was the first to relive that the earths crust contains fossils and rock strata. In 1669 he made the discovery of quartz crystals from calligraphic.
Nicolas Baudin has written: 'Mon voyage aux terres australes' -- subject(s): Description and travel, Diaries, Discovery and exploration, Explorers, French, History, Natural history
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Joseph Nicolas de L'Isle has written: 'Explication de la carte des nouvelles decouvertes au nord de la mer du Sud' -- subject(s): Discovery and exploration
Chromium was discoverd by Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin in 1797.
it comes out on DVD feb 12, 2011.
Discovery by Vitus Bering in 1741.
A good middle name for Nicolas could be Alexander, James, or Michael.
Nicolas Freeling's birth name is F.R.E. Nicolas.