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Alcoholism is a two-fold malady - mental AND physical - characterized by (i) an obsession of the mind coupled with (ii) an abnormal reaction of the body which some term as an "allergy". Others prefer "abnormal reaction". I know that some people call it a "three fold disease". Some say that and some don't - but in any event that idea is not proposed or supported by the AA "Big Book". The Big Book co-authors do however say that in addition to alcoholism, alcoholics are also suffering from a second condition they term as a "spiritual malady" and that when the spiritual malady is overcome there is a consequential solving of the mental and physical aspects as well. Ergo, the solving of the spiritual problem first is so powerful that recovery from alcoholism occurs as well. This can easily be understood by reading the book in it's entirety but is especially apparent with such ideas as, "we have been not only mentally and physically ill, we have been spiritually sick. When the spiritual malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically." (64:3)

A real alcoholic must have both of these conditions present simultaneously:

1) Obsession of the mind - Cannot resist taking a drink even though he/she knows once they start they will experience the abnormal reaction.

Combined with:

2) Abnormal reaction of the body - Once any alcohol whatever is taken into his/her system, something happens in a physical sense that is without comparable effect on the average individual - a physical phenomenon of "Craving" develops - which makes it virtually impossible for him to stop, even if he/she wants and/or needs to stop.

This craving is abnormal and hence may be due to an "allergic" type reaction. It doesn't have to be called "allergy" but whatever it is called is immaterial as long as acknowledgement of the physical craving is acknowledged - whatever the cause of it may be. it may be. Many people prefer to not use the term "allergy" since it has not yet been proven to fit the medical definition. Others prefer to use the term "craving" instead. The word used is not important - only that the abnormal reaction of craving is acknowledged. Only alcoholics experience this reaction and it does not occur until alcohol is actually introduced into the system of the person afflicted.

The existence of only ONE of the above conditions often result in problem drinking, ie: drinking too much - too often - even to the point of damage to ones health, social position and livelihood but does not qualify as a real alcoholic.

Both conditions must be present - and only ten percent of the world's population has both of these conditions simultaneously

"If, when you honestly want to, you find you cannot quit entirely, or if when drinking, you have little control over the amount you take, you are probably alcoholic." (Alcoholics Anonymous", 44:1)

Since whether or not someone is a real alcoholic depends upon the existence of these two conditions simultaneously - then it is something only THEY can diagnose - because THEY are the only ones with the intimate details of their drinking history - even details which may not even be known to their closest friends and relatives. Unfortunately this leaves the medical profession far outside of the ability to be of much help although they have been very helpful in assisting other types of "problem drinkers" overcome their difficulties. Many can moderate or stop entirely if given enough reason and assistance.

Alcoholism is distinct from "hard", "heavy" or "problem" drinking or other "addictions" including "drug addiction" in that the two components of mental, alcoholic obsession and physical allergy to ETOH (ethyl alcohol) in some form must be simultaneously present in the individual.

The obsession, a strange insanity that occurs as a "mental blank spot" immediately preceding the taking of a drink, guarantees that the person afflicted will take the drink even with the full knowledge that it will result in a craving for more (allergy) or even though he may not have intended to drink.

This is strangely supplanted for the idea that it is safe to drink despite experience that it may not be safe to drink without experiencing the phenomenon of craving (or "Allergy")

However intelligent, responsible and reasonable an alcoholic may have been in other areas of his life respects, introduce alcohol and they seem to be strangely insane. "These "Allergic" types can never safely use alcohol in any form at all; and once having formed the habit and found they cannot break it, once having lost their self-confidence, their reliance upon things human, their problems pile up on them and become astonishingly difficult to solve.

Recovery from the obsession (mental) component is possible but there is no known cure for the physical allergy portion. However breaking that one aspect is enough to sever the vicious cycle and allow sufferers to live normal lives - as long as they never put alcohol into out bodies thereby setting off the physical allergy (craving). Alcoholism is distinct from "hard", "heavy" or "problem" drinking or other "addictions" including "drug addiction" in that the two components of mental, alcoholic obsession and physical allergy to ETOH (ethyl alcohol) in some form must be simultaneously present in the individual.

Many people who abuse alcohol for entire lifetimes NEVER even become alcoholic by this description - just heavy alcohol abusers - although both lifestyles are undesirable - even deadly.

Some with a genetic predisposition start off slowly and eventually DO "cross the line". Until they do, they are what is known as "potential alcoholics" and if they continue will eventually "cross the line" and develop the physical allergy due to the overtaxing of their pancreas and livers. Once that occurs, and we know not when it does, there is no going back.

It is thought to bad a idea to proclaim any individual as alcoholic since only the individual knows their personal history well enough and so completely as to make that decision - qualify as "Alcoholic" or THOSE DESCRIPTIONS they wish to use since many other descriptions exist. Most people who use this description do so only after realizing that no other descriptions have been adequate.

Peoplw to me come addicted after having 16 beers and becoming absessed with it if they do that they are really stupid

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People often believe that alcoholics are derelicts and bums. However, this is just a stereotype.

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Anyone who has a problem with alcohol can become a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop drinking.

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RECOVERING alcoholics make the best chemical dependency professionals. Active alcoholics who have not dealt with their own issues are pretty awful.

How many people are alcoholics in America?

It depends upon the study and who is doing the study. Most suggest 5 - 10% of Americans are Alcoholics.

Do alcoholics get cured from their drinking?

According to surveys conducted by the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a substantial proportion of alcoholics become cured of alcoholism and are able to drink in moderation.