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265,397,696 acres in the world

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Q: How many acres in the world are growing tobacco?
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What Cabinet office decides how many acres of tobacco can be planted?

what cabinet office decides how many acres of tobacco can be planted?

What cabinet office decides how many acres of tobacco can planted?

what cabinet office decides how many acres of tobacco can be planted?

How many acres is Disney World on?

27443 acres

How many acres of land in the world?


Why did the south unlike the other regions have so many plantation?

The south lent itself to growing large acres of crops like cotton, tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar. Other colonies didn't have the land, weather, or resources to grow crops like the south.

Why did south unlike the other regions have so many large plantations?

The south lent itself to growing large acres of crops like cotton, tobacco, rice, indigo, and sugar. Other colonies didn't have the land, weather, or resources to grow crops like the south.

How many acres is NIKEs world headquarters?


How many acres are in whole world?

The total land area of Earth is approximately 36.8 billion acres.

How Many cattle per 1000 acres?

There are billions of cattle in the world today.

How made the growing of Tobacco profitable in U.S History?

Growing tobacco in the American colonies were profitable because the demand for the product in Europe as well as in the colonies themselves. The soil in areas around North Carolina was ideal for the crop, however, growing tobacco in mass quantities depleted the soil quickly. In the early colonial days, this factor was overcome by expanding the areas of tobacco growth ( usually at the expense of Native Tribes ). Later in history, fertilizing techniques allowed more tobacco to be grown. Even today in many parts of the world, the demand for tobacco has not diminished. One stroll around any major US university that has a large foreign student population, tobacco use is seen everywhere among the foreign students.

Is tobacco grown in Beijing?

Tobacco is not typically grown in Beijing due to the region's climate and geography. Tobacco crops are more commonly cultivated in other provinces in China that have more suitable conditions for growing tobacco plants.

How many acres of land did Walt buy to build Disney World?

35,000 acres or 47 square miles...that's bigger than Grand Rapids, Michigan.