Portugal IS a country
5,000 acres of land in 1674.
Poland's total area is 77,245,702.4 acres.
265,397,696 acres in the world
about 170 miles from Lisbon Portugal to Porto Portugal
Portugal's total land area is approximately 35,603 square miles, which is equivalent to around 22.8 million acres.
.97 acres.
Exactly 0.459 acres.
How many acres are in the UK
1.171 acres.
The area of Nebraska is 49,506,640 acres (77,354 sq mi = 77,354 x 640 acres = 49,506,560 acres).
1,469.24 acres.
About 158,000,000 acres.
about 746,880,000 acres
About 5,130,000 acres.
424,000,000 acres.
39.442 acres