you can describe the hexagon by:
how many acute angles, obtuse angles, and reflex angles
cancave polygon or convex polygon
how many sides does it have
no line of symmetry or line of symmetry
'The Hexagon' is another name for France. It refers to the shape of the country. So all mainland French cities are in the Hexagon.
a historian would describe your life by you telling him all about you and your family.
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DESCRIBE A HEXEGON hexagon have 6 sides
An hexagon is a 6 sided polygon
Every hexagon has six sides. That is the definition of "hexagon".If it did not have six sides, then it would not be a 'hexagon', andwe would not be having this discussion.
To describe constructing a hexagon using a compass on Answers is too difficult, as graphics is not allowed. Therefore, search on the internet for "constructing a hexagon" and many websites on the subject will be revealed.
300 thak you:)
that would be a hexagon
You cannot - unless it is a regular hexagon. And there is nothing in the question to suggest that you can assume it is a regular hexagon.
Oh, dude, a hexagon has six sides, right? So, you'd need to draw three triangles to make a hexagon. Each triangle would cover two sides of the hexagon, like a sneaky little puzzle piece fitting into place. So, like, three triangles would do the trick.
A stop sign is an octagon, not a hexagon. most Nuts & bolt heads are hexagons. The head of an Allen Wrench is a hexagon.
no, if you took a hexagon and squashed it down the inside angles would grow and the outside angles would shrink.
A regular hexagon folded in half would look like an isosceles trapezoid.
A regular hexagon's angle would be 120 degrees making the total degrees 720. If it's the degrees of one angle of an irregular hexagon there would be quite a range