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if P(A)>0 then P(B'|A)=1-P(B|A)

so P(A intersect B')=P(A)P(B'|A)=P(A)[1-P(B|A)]



the definition of independent events is if P(A intersect B')=P(A)P(B')

that is the proof

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Q: If A and B are independent events then are A and B' independent?
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Who was Eisenhower's opponent in 1956?

Adlai Stevenson (Democratic Party) and Walter B. Jones (Independent)

What events wa taking place in Mexico unde3r agustin de iturbide when George IV was king of England?

Mexico was becoming independent

Civil rights movement events starting with letters a-z?

A-America B-boycott C-civil rights

What events happened during the panama war?

Operation Just Cause 1989; arrest of Manual Noriega, leader of Panama.

How did the Committee Of Correspondence help to unite the colonies?

At one point Ben Franklin made a political cartoon in his newspaper that was the chopped body of a snake each piece representing one of the colonies and b elow it said join or die. The colonies wound up not joining for fear of being controled by someone else. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That was the beginning, but they became independent from British and informed each other of important events. :)

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If A and B are independent events than A and B' are independent?


What is the difference between the multiplication rule for independent versus dependent events?

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p(A and B) = p(A) x p(B) for 2 independent events p(A and B and ...N) = p(A) x p(B) x p(C) x ...x p(N) In words, if these are all independent events, find the individual probabilities if each and multiply them all together.

Suppose A and B are independent events. If p a 0.3 and what is?


Definition of independent events?

when the occurance of an event B is not affected by the occurance of event A than we can say that these events are not dependent with each other

How do you draw a Venn diagram to the probability of two independent events a and b?

the circles do not overlap at all.

Prove that the complement of A and B are independent events?

first prove *: if A intersect B is independent, then A intersect B' is independent. (this is on wiki answers) P(A' intersect B') = P(B')P(A'|B') by definition = P(B')[1-P(A|B')] since 1 = P(A) + P(A') = P(B')[1 - P(A)] from the first proof * = P(B')P(A') since 1 = P(A) + P(A') conclude with P(A' intersect B') = P(B')P(A') and is therefore independent by definition. ***note*** i am a student in my first semester of probability so this may be incorrect, but i used the first proof* so i figured i would proof this one to kinda "give back".

How do you find the probability of independent and dependent events?

P(A given B)*P(B)=P(A and B), where event A is dependent on event B. Finding the probability of an independent event really depends on the situation (dart throwing, coin flipping, even Schrodinger's cat...).

Event A has probability 0.4 event B has probability 0.5 If A and B are disjoint then the probability that both events occur is?

If two events are disjoint, they cannot occur at the same time. For example, if you flip a coin, you cannot get heads AND tails. Since A and B are disjoint, P(A and B) = 0 If A and B were independent, then P(A and B) = 0.4*0.5=0.2. For example, the chances you throw a dice and it lands on 1 AND the chances you flip a coin and it land on heads. These events are independent...the outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the other.

For two independent events a and b p a or b equals 0.61 pa equals 0.40 and pb equals 0.35?

apex XD 0.140.14

How do historians refer to independent events that occur or change together but do not affect one another?

Concurrent independent events or simultaneous independent events

What is the 'and' rule in probability?

If the probability of A is p1 and probability of B is p2 where A and B are independent events or outcomes, then the probability of both A and B occurring is p1 x p2. See related link for examples.