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Lady Ada Lovelace collaborated with Charles Babbage on the Analytical Engine. Her notes on this engine include what is recognized as the first algorithm for a machine.

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Q: Lady Lovelace collaborated with charles Babbage to work on what machine?
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Did Charles Babbage invent the first computer?

Sort of, but it was entirely mechanical and he could never get funded to build it. It was called the Analytical Engine.Charles Babbage invented a calculating machine which he called a 'Difference Engine'. And later designed an 'Analytical Engine' though this was never built.Ada Lovelace was a niece of Babbage. She was the daughter of the Poet Byron. She had a significant interest in mathematics, and in developing an algorithm for Babbage's Engine. She is regarded as the first computer programmer.As for the modern concept of a computer, for which there are several technical requirements, the ABC computer ; Atanasoff - Berry - Computer is the first of what would be considered the modern programmable computer. A model of this machine exists at Iowa State University.

Who are the forefathers of computer?

Blaise Pascal, Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Haskell Brooks Curry, Alonzo Church, John von Neumann, and Grace Hopper are some of the person that, in one way or the other, started the ball rolling. Hope this helps!

What is zeroth generation?

Zeroth Generation Computers 1642-1946. Basically covers the history of early mechanical computers from Charles Babbage and software programming ideas by Ada Lovelace to the machine age of electromagnetic relays and thermionic valves where the operators had complete access to the machine and inputted the programming language by hand.

In which year did Charles Babbage invented his first machine?

He inventad an ANALYTIC ENGINE during 1830s

Who wrote descriptions for Charles Babbage's machine?

my dad oh yeah you

Related questions

Lady Lovelace's collaborated with Charles Babbage in what machine?

Ur momma

Who wrote description for charles Babbage's machine?

An Italian wrote it in French, then Ada Augusta Lovelace translated it to English.

Who is the worlds first computer proggramer?

Charles Baggage was the first programmer. ... The spelling is Babbage not Baggage.

Charles Babbage- what machine did he invented?

Charles Babbage invented the automatic calculator.

Who is the first lady who brought computer program?

You are probably referring to Ada Lovelace who wrote an algorithm for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. She is credited with being the first computer programmer. However, she did not write any programming language; the machine's language was an integral part of the machine's design.

Is Ada Lovelace a Mathematician?

Yes, Ada Lovelace is considered to be a mathematician. She is often regarded as the world's first computer programmer for her work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, where she developed an algorithm that could be programmed into the machine. Lovelace's contributions to the field of mathematics and computing have had a lasting impact.

What machine did Charles Babbage invent?

the computer

Who Develop the first Software Program?

Lady Ada Augusta Countess of Lovelace wrote programs in 1842-43 for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine. However as the machine was never built she did not get to run them.

Who construted a calculating machine in 1823?

Charles Babbage

Who is the father modern computer?

the father of the modern computer was charles babbage , who invented the "analytical machine"

Which of the Charles Babbage invention is the foundation of the modern computer?

which machine about 200 years ago charles babbage of britain made a machine which formed the foundation for the modern electronic computers

Who invented simple anylatical difference machine?

Charles Babbage