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With his Geomentry Famous Thales Theorem

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Q: What did thales do to become famous?
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What is a famous quote from thales?

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Why was Thales famous?

Thales is considered the first Greek philosopher. He is mostly known for being one of the first to attempt to explain natural occurrences without using myths.

A was a famous Greek mathematician?

Some famous Greek mathematicians were Pythagoras, Aristotle, Anaxagoras, Euclid, Archimedes and Thales, among others.

What was the full name of Thales?

vipul thales

What was Thales inventions?

what are thales inventions in maths

What was Thales first name?

Thales of Miletus was a pre-socratic Greek philosopher

What is philosophy of man according to THALES?

thales philosophies

What did Thales discovery?

Thales discovered the indirect measurement formula.