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Thales of Miletus was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, and one of the Seven Sages of Greece.

Best known for Water is the physis, Thales' theorem and the intercept theorem.

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Q: Who is thales in astronomy?
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What is the contributions of Thales in the atomic theory?

Thales was not a chemist; important contributions in geometry and astronomy.

What did the Greek philosopher Thales teach?

Thales taught astronomy and mathematics. Aristotle accredited him with being the founder of Science, as well as the father of Geometry.

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J L E. Dreyer has written: 'A History of astronomy from Thales to Kepler'

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The Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus is credited with predicting a solar eclipse in 585 BC. He is considered one of the earliest known individuals to have made such a prediction based on his understanding of astronomy and mathematics.

Contribution of Thales?

Thales, a Greek philosopher who is thought to have lived around 625 to 546 BC, was famed for his knowledge of astronomy and may also have brought geometry to Greece. He is known only through references to him in Aristotle's Metaphysics.

Who is the father of surveying?

The father of surveying is widely considered to be Thales of Miletus, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived around 600 BCE. Thales was known for his contributions to various fields, including mathematics, astronomy, and geometry, which laid the foundation for modern surveying techniques.

Who first studied astromnomy?

Ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and China are known to have independently studied astronomy. However, the Greek philosopher Thales is often credited as one of the first significant figures to study astronomy systematically.

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Pythagoras was well educated, and he played the lyre throughout his lifetime, knew poetry and recited Homer. He was interested in mathematics, philosophy, astronomy and music, and was greatly influenced by Pherekydes (philosophy), Thales (mathematics and astronomy) and Anaximander (philosophy, geometry).

What did thales contribute in chemistry?

Thales, an ancient Greek philosopher but did not contribute directly to chemistry. Thales is known for his studies in geometry and astronomy, particularly for his focus on water as the primary substance from which everything is derived. His philosophical ideas laid the foundation for future scientific thought, including the development of chemistry.

What was the full name of Thales?

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What was Thales first name?

Thales of Miletus was a pre-socratic Greek philosopher