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In India, the Hindus made further advances during and after the fifth century. These advances included the construction of some early trigonometric tables and, more important, the invention of a new numbering system that made calculating much simpler. Hindu mathematicians based their version of trigonometry on variants of the sine function. The Hindu system led not only to the sine function, but to the cosine, tangent, and other familiar trigonometric functions we use today.

During their centuries of contact with the Greeks and Hindus, Arabic mathematicians adopted many of their mathematical discoveries. Among prominent Arabic mathematicians who helped translate Hindu mathematical texts or introduced Hindu mathematics to the Arabs were al-Battani (c. 850-929), Abu al-Wafa (940-998), and al-Biruni (973-?). Al-Battani adapted Greek trigonometry and astronomical observations to make them more useful. Al-Biruni was among the first to use the sine function in astronomy and geography, and Abu al-Wafa helped apply spherical trigonometry to astronomy, among other important contributions.

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