The same as it has been used for thousands of years: doing calculations.
An expert abacus operator can visualise numbers and do calculations (usually) faster than someone with an electronic calculator - using an abacus visualised in their head, a skilled operator can often do calculations faster than with a physical abacus.
Abaci have the advantage that the batteries don't wear out (as there aren't any), which makes their use in places with limited supply of power preferable.
It impacted society by making math problems easiers
One of the advantages of the abacus is that it is easy to use. Another is that it does not require electricity to work. You can use it no matter where you are.
pape clothec chyug
Go and puncy one ande then se what hapens to your hand and then blame the abacus
An Abacus has beads and strings.
The abacus is still in use today by shopkeepers in Asia and "Chinatowns" in North America. The use of the abacus is still taught in Asian schools, and some few schools in the West. Blind children are taught to use the abacus where their sighted counterparts would be taught to use paper and pencil to perform calculations. One particular use for the abacus is teaching children simple mathematics and especially multiplication; the abacus is an excellent substitute for rote memorization of multiplication tables, a particularily detestable task for young children. The abacus is also an excellent tool for teaching other base numbering systems since it easily adapts itself to any base.
It impacted society by making math problems easiers
well here is the answer ! :)Some people use the abacus to solve some mathematical calculations
It sure helps if you want to use a computer for anything besides games.
of course
One of the advantages of the abacus is that it is easy to use. Another is that it does not require electricity to work. You can use it no matter where you are.
for example , 122marisbman
An abacus device or board was used for counting numbers in ancient times by civilisations such as the Romans and it's hardly used in todays modern world except in museums, by historians or perhaps in some education establishments.
Tanzania is very important to todays society because, my college textbook told me that they import food to lazy fat americans
Yes, esq. has no real meaning in todays society so anyone can use it.
Todays Fashion is more attractive and revealing then the fashion of 1960s.
Known as a counting devise, the abacus has been in use for many centuries