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An abacus device or board was used for counting numbers in ancient times by civilisations such as the Romans and it's hardly used in todays modern world

except in museums, by historians or perhaps in some education establishments.

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Q: What is ABACUS and where is used nowadays?
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Where is abacus used nowdays?

Thailand vegetable vendors use abacus, nowadays abacus is gaining popularity in India, US and taught by many schools

Who founded the ABACUS?

The Sumarian abacus appeared as early as 2700 BC, The ancient Egyptians and the Persians also used the abacus

Who invented the abacus and what is it used for?

The abacus was invented by the ancient Chinese people and was used to perform mostly mathematical calculations. In Japan, even to this day, the abacus is still used for simple calculations. Many people consider the abacus the first "computer" or at least the first calculator.

Is an abacus a book?

No an abacus is definitely not a book. It is a piece of maths equipment a child might use to help with their counting, adding, subtracting, division and multiplication. Usually abacuses are made from wood or plastic. You rarely see them around nowadays. Because modern teaching methods involve powerpoints and calculators. We have not much a need for an abacus. Abacus: A wooden (or plastic) frame, with about ten metal (or plastic or etc) tubes running along it, on these tubes are beads. You can slide the beads across, on each tube is ten beads (usually), and sometimes each row different colours. Children learning maths will slide these beads across the tubes one at a time to count or do some sort of maths. Basically it's an instrument used when you've ran out of fingers to count on. Obviously not used so much nowadays. The abacus as first invented in: 2700-2300 BC. So it's an old mathematical instrument that kids used to use to count on. Thanks for reading :) x

Where is abacus still being used?

An abacus is a calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia for arithmetic. The abacus was in use centuries before the written modern numeral system and is still used by merchants, traders and clerks in Asia and Africa.

What materials were used to make the first abacus?

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What did people do before calculators?

They used the abacus

Is a abacus still used today?


What has beads on a frame used for counting?

An Abacus

How was the abacus originally used?

The abacus was originally used to add and subtract. It was much faster than an adding machine. Its weakness was that it did not leave a paper trail.

What is abacus crs system?

Abacus is a global computer reservation system used by travel agencies only in Asia.

Who is discover of Abacus?

The Sumerian abacus appeared in 2700 BC, a primitive device which was difficult to use. The Persians used the abacus in 600 BC. The Greek abacus dated to the 5th Century BC. The Chinese dated to the 2nd Century BC