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Tolosani claimed Copernicus made his biggest error by using "inferior" fields of study to make statements about the "superior" fields. Copernicus used Math and Astronomy to postulate about Physics and Cosmology. Others used principles of Physics and Cosmology to determine principles of Math and Astronomy. Tolosani felt Copernicus was undermining the entire system of science. He said Copernicus fell into philosophical error because he was not knowledgeable in physics and logic. To him, anyone who did not know physics and logic would be unable to make a good astronomer, and not be able to tell truth from falsehood.

A simpler answer: Copernicus thought the planets moved in circular orbits. Kepler later showed they move in elliptical orbits.

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Q: What error did Nicolaus Copernicus make in one area of astronomy?
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Who is an African American women with a Ph.D's in astronomy?

Dr. Beth Brown is a good example. Her work is currently in the area of the hot interstellar medium in elliptical galaxies, and the mechanisms for X-ray emission from faint elliptical galaxies

What branch of science did Robert Hooke study?

At the time Robert Hooke lived it was possible to be active in more than one area of science. He studied widely and made contributions in fields such as astronomy, physics and biology.he studided microscopes

The area that contained 3 million germansoutside Germany with Hitler to reunite in 1398 at the munich conference?

Czechslovakia is the area i believe. Your question is a bit hard to understand. I'm guessing that 1398 was just an error since Hitler wasn't alive back then.

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Area 51 is a closed military area. The existence of UFOs there is probably a rumor, but since access to the area is closed, it is hard to verify.

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