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Corral - Random House Unabridged Dictionary: "Corral: a circular enclosure formed by wagons during an encampment, as by covered wagons crossing the North American plains in the 19th century, for defense against attack"

laager - A laager, lager, leaguer or laer (Afrikaans, from Dutch leger (camp or army); Afrikaans pronunciation: [ˈlaːɡər] or [ˈliɡər]). The word is South African in origin, and originally referred to a formation used by travelers whereby they would draw wagons into a circle and place cattle and horses on the inside to protect them from raiders or nocturnal animals. In 19th century America, the same approach was used by pioneers who would "circle the wagons" in case of Indian attack

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Corral - Random House Unabridged Dictionary: "Corral: a circular enclosure formed by wagons during an encampment, as by covered wagons crossing the North American plains in the 19th century, for defense against attack"

laager - A laager, lager, leaguer or laer (Afrikaans, from Dutch leger (camp or army); Afrikaans pronunciation: [ˈlaːɡər] or [ˈliɡər]). The word is South African in origin, and originally referred to a formation used by travelers whereby they would draw wagons into a circle and place cattle and horses on the inside to protect them from raiders or nocturnal animals. In 19th century America, the same approach was used by pioneers who would "circle the wagons" in case of Indian attack.

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Q: What is a circle of covered wagon's called?
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Why were covered wagons called schooner wagons?

Because the tops of the wagons reminded people of ships at sea.

What is a nickname for covered wagons?

the nick name for a very larged covered waggon is called a PRAIRIE SCHOONER

The long line of covered wagons was called?

Wagon trains.

Why were the covered wagons important you the westward expantion?

The Covered Wagons were made so the pioneers would not have to walk, and carry their belonging on their back. Some types of wagons are the Farm Imigrant Wagons, and the Conestoga Wagons. Also to get west.

What does circle our wagons mean?

It refers to a group becoming cohesive and united against outsiders. It often involves presenting a united front against adversity. The phrase is derived from a practice of the early pioneers of the Western U.S. The pioneers traveled from the East in covered wagons, packed with all their belongings, and pulled by oxen or horses. They formed a caravan and traveled in small groups in a long line. At night, when they stopped to rest, the pioneers would draw up the wagons in a circle. Inside the circle was a fire, companionship, and safety. Outside the circle were wild animals, unfriendly strangers, and the unknown enemy. Actually the defensive tactic of circling the wagons began with the Russians in the early fifth century. The Russians used this circling of wagons against the Mongol light infantry to defend themselves in the region called the steppes. There the Russians drew their supply wagons into a circle and it became a portable fortress. As Mongol cavalry tried to raid the Russians, the Russian bowmen had the cover of their wagons to shoot arrows at the Mongols. Later, the Czechs used this and it was given the name of "the Wagenburg".