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wagon fort

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Q: What is a camp defended by a circle of wagons called?
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What is a circle of covered wagon's called?

Corral - Random House Unabridged Dictionary: "Corral: a circular enclosure formed by wagons during an encampment, as by covered wagons crossing the North American plains in the 19th century, for defense against attack"laager - A laager, lager, leaguer or laer (Afrikaans, from Dutch leger (camp or army); Afrikaans pronunciation: [ˈlaːɡər] or [ˈliɡər]). The word is South African in origin, and originally referred to a formation used by travelers whereby they would draw wagons into a circle and place cattle and horses on the inside to protect them from raiders or nocturnal animals. In 19th century America, the same approach was used by pioneers who would "circle the wagons" in case of Indian attack

How far did people have to walk to get to a concentration camp?

They were usually transported by rail, in enclosed cattle wagons.

Where did pioneers put the wagons at night?

Either kept going or stopped to set up camp.

What are the release dates for Ghosts at Circle X Camp - 1912?

Ghosts at Circle X Camp - 1912 was released on: USA: 13 June 1912

What actors and actresses appeared in Ghosts at Circle X Camp - 1912?

The cast of Ghosts at Circle X Camp - 1912 includes: Francis Ford

What is a Roman camp called?

a roman camp is called a camp !!

Women soilders in the civil war?

No! There were camp followers, but no front line soldiers. Women might have driven wagons or been nurses.

What were the sutler wagons that followed the armies from camp to camp during the civil war?

The sutlers were like traveling stores. They sold playing cards, knives, coffee, tobacco, soap, and various other items.

What is camp rock's rival camp called?

camp star

Is there a real camp called camp Mcdowell?

There is a Fort McDowell in Arizona that is also called Camp McDowell

What was the concentration camp in Dachau called?

It was called the Dachau concentration camp.

Is camp confidential a real camp?

actually there is no camp called camp confidential. Although, their is a book series called camp confidential.