About 1,334,000,000 (one billion three hundred thirty-four thousand) people live in China as of November 2009.
The price was One million Four hundred and Thirty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Pounds
thirty three thousand (??)
more thn 3000 wht i heard from friends..
One hundred thirty thousand, six hundred.
That could be either "ten -thirty" or "one thousand and thirty"
1030 is one thousand and thirty
One-fifth of thirty-two is six and two-fifths.
1039 = one thousand thirty nine, or one thousand and thirty nine as it is termed in British English.
One fifth multiplied by thirty is 6. 0.2 x 30 = 6
Thirty-one million, twenty thousand, thirty.
Thirty-Two Thousand, One (not Thirty-Two Thousand and one)
130,000 is one hundred and thirty thousand.
No, but thirty one hundred thousand is
One hundred and thirty thousand = 130,000
Hundred thousand is 100000 Thirty thousand is 30000 Eight thousand is 8000 Thirty cents is 30/100 = 0.30 Hence one hundred thirty eight thousand and thirty cents is 100000 + 30000 + 8000 + 0.30 = 138000.30