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skipping the numbers


The actual name of it is a "break."

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it represents the numbers being skipped

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Q: What is the squiggly line representing skipping some numbers on your y-axis on a graph?
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What is a dispersion diagram?

It's like a cross between a graph and a tally chart. Basically it's a vertical axis with a scale and plotted next to it are dots representing the number of whatever it is you're plotting at each value. It shows the dispersion of the values around the norm, more visually than just looking at a list of numbers.

What does a trend graph look like?

X axis and y axis with negative and positive numbers


A tree is a specialized case of a graph. A tree is a connected graph with no circuits and no self loops. A graph consists of 3 sets - vertices, edges and a set representing relations between vertices and edges i.e. v = (a, b, c) e = (e1, e2, e3) and x = ((a,b,e1), (b,c,e2), (a,c,e3)) represents a graph where e1 joins a and b and so on. A circuit is alternating sequence of edges and vertices where in edges are not repeated, vertices may be and starting and ending vertices are the same e.g. a e1 b e2 c e3 a means a connected to b, b to c and c to a. This forms a loop. A self loop is a vertex looping on to itself. As a tree does not contain any loops and is still connected, it is also called a minimally connected graph i.e. there is just one path between any 2 vertices.

What is bias in a graph?

A bias in a graph is when you can actually see much of a difference.

Where is x on the graph?

In an x-y graph, 'x' has two meanings. Firstly, it can represent a variable whose value can be clearly marked in the horizontal axis. 'x' is the set of numbers displayed on the horizontal axis and implicitly outside the graph too. For example, in the equation 'y=ax+b', x represents a variable. Secondly, it can represent a solution or a specific number of the variable above. For example, when you say 'y=2 when x=3' on the curve, 'x' represents a specify number marked on the horizontal axis. You can interpret which one does the author mean.

Related questions

What is the squiggly line on a graph called?


What is the squiggly line on a bar graph called?

A "break"

How do you make the squiggly line for a graph break?

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ is the line

What does the squiggly line mean when it starts at zero on a graph?

it means that from zero to the first number next to the graph is not in the same order as the other numbers. for example it might me 0,10,15,20,25. there will be a squiggly line after 0 because 0+5 is not 10 and the pattern here is adding 5 each time. hope this helps:)

What is the squiggly line from the origin of a linear graph called?

i think its called a break. :]

What are the two ways of representing a graph?

finite and infinite graph.

Does the squiggly line on the x or y axis of a graph have a name other than a break I know a break is what the it represents but does the actual squiggly line have a specific name?

its actually called "a break".

How do you do a hypothetical economy graph?

Draw a graph representing a hypothectical economy

What type of graph is divided into sections each representing a percent?

pie graph

Which graph should you use to compare the numbers of tigers at different zoos should you use a line or a bar graph?

Line graphs are better for representing things that vary continuously, like temperature against time. Bar graphs are better for representing things that are counts not mapped against a continuous variable such as time, so in your case I would recommend a bar graph.

What situation you have you use a pie graph?

A pie graph is used when representing portions of a whole.

How do you graph the numbers?

The answer will depend on what numbers you wish to graph.