It's based on the Chinese
For the Gupta Empire, they created the concept of zero and the decimal system.
Computers use a binary system, not decimal.
Chinese Soviet Republic was created in 1931.
i think the answer to which empire developed the number system we use today was the perisan empire because they developed so many things not that many thing and you know what i mean
Well is said the Chinese created the decimal system,so im guessing they did? -------------------------- Have a look at wikipedia see link below
The Sui Dynasty
Chinese Television System was created on 1971-10-31.
He created the Dewy Decimal system
The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.
It's based on the Chinese
the Mayan and Chinese are the oldest.
metric system
The decimal system developed in Arabic culture, from the Middle East. It was not created in one country specifically.
A Chinese abacus is called a Suan Pan. It works because it is based upon the decimal system, so the beads are used to count groups of ten.
The Dewey decimal number for Chinese New Year is 394.261.
Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal system. It is a classification system used by libraries, and not what is meant in the question. The decimal number system is the number system that we all use on a daily basis; it was invented by a succession of Arab and Hindu mathematicians beginning about 1400 years ago.