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Q: Who created the Chinese decimal system?
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What is the decimal system?

Well is said the Chinese created the decimal system,so im guessing they did? -------------------------- Have a look at wikipedia see link below

Who inveneted the Chinese Decimal System?

The Sui Dynasty

When was Chinese Television System created?

Chinese Television System was created on 1971-10-31.

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He created the Dewy Decimal system

Who were the first people to use the zero and the decimal system?

The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.

Who created the Japanese number system?

It's based on the Chinese

When was the first number system created?

the Mayan and Chinese are the oldest.

Created in 1795 it is a decimal system of measurements based on its unit of length?

metric system

In what country did the decimal number system develop?

The decimal system developed in Arabic culture, from the Middle East. It was not created in one country specifically.

What is the history of the Chinese number system?

The Chinese number system has a long history dating back to ancient times. It is based on a decimal system, with symbols for numbers from 1 to 9 and a placeholder for zero. The system also includes unique symbols for powers of 10. The Chinese number system has influenced other cultures and is still used today in various forms.

How does a Chinese abacus work?

A Chinese abacus is called a Suan Pan. It works because it is based upon the decimal system, so the beads are used to count groups of ten.

What is the Dewey decimal number for Chinese New Year?

The Dewey decimal number for Chinese New Year is 394.261.