A man called Pingala from India.
earlier civilisations, of course.
Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal system. It is a classification system used by libraries, and not what is meant in the question. The decimal number system is the number system that we all use on a daily basis; it was invented by a succession of Arab and Hindu mathematicians beginning about 1400 years ago.
i invented
A man called Pingala from India.
most people believe mathematical problems were created by the mayans who first created the number system and devoloped the first calender
earlier civilisations, of course.
the first computer to use operating system was mark1
It was Mesopotamia and they created cuneiform.
The Greeks
If U refer to the first operating system,this was created by Apple in 1974
GreeksImproved Answer:-It was created by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.
It's based on the Chinese