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Q: Who was Nicolas capernicus?
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How did Nicolas Copernicus discover his theory?

stop searching for capernicus stuff and go to youtube and look up nyan cat

Who was the first to believe in the heliocentric universe?

While many say it was capernicus I think it was actually " Aristarchus" a couple hundred years before Capernicus.

Who was the first greek to believe in heliocentric universe?

While many say it was capernicus I think it was actually " Aristarchus" a couple hundred years before Capernicus.

Who are the most famous astronomer?

aristotle, Galleleo,Capernicus

What is the homeland of capernicus?

Royal prussia, Kingdom of Poland

What was Nicolaus Capernicus' career?

He was a canon in a church and an astronomer.

What would be a good middle name for Nicolas?

A good middle name for Nicolas could be Alexander, James, or Michael.

What is the birth name of Nicolas Freeling?

Nicolas Freeling's birth name is F.R.E. Nicolas.

Marie or Nicolas?


What is the birth name of Nicolas Phillips?

Nicolas Phillips's birth name is Nicolas Phillips.

What is the birth name of Nicolas Anelka?

Nicolas Anelka's birth name is Nicolas Sebastian Anelka.

When did Nicolas Robert die?

Robert Nicolas died in 1667.