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Q: Who was the first person to study determinants and discovered Bernoulli's numbers before Bernoulli?
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First person to study determinants and discovered Bernoulli's numbers before Bernoulli?

Seki Takakazu is often recognized as the first person to discover Bernoulli's numbers and the determinant. These discoveries occurred in the late 1600s and early 1700s.

How does the numbers discovered?

They were discovered by scientists

Who created the number 2?

God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.

Wrote a plan on how the Analytical Engine of Charles Babbage might calculate Bernoulli numbers?

Ada Lovelace :D

Why only square matrix have determinant?

The square matrix have determinant because they have equal numbers of rows and columns. <<>> Determinants are not defined for non-square matrices because there are no applications of non-square matrices that require determinants to be used.

Who discovered numbers from 1 to 9?

1 was discovered by baskaracharya

Explane burnaoli theoremand its derivation?

I believe what you are asking for is: "Explain Bernoulli's theorem. I can't help much, but it does have to do with the Law of Large Numbers.

Who is the inventor of prime numbers?

Mathematics, including prime numbers, is discovered, not invented.Systems and methods we use are invented, but concepts of relationships between objects governed by logic, such as the prime numbers are discovered and named. As such, a more appropriate question might be "Who discovered prime numbers?"Many have discovered prime numbers; the first is unknown to mankind.

Who discovered the whole numbers?

Numbers were not discovered but were created out of necessity for the purpose of counting livestock and recording the seasons .... etc

Where were natural numbers discovered?

In your brain !

How were imaginary numbers discovered?

Imaginary numbers were discovered when mathematicians tried to solve equations of the form x^2 + 2 = 0

Which civilization discovered negative numbers?

Negative numbers do not show up much in the real world unless someone is trying to figure out a problem. The numbers were first discovered by the Indian civilization.