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Q: Where were natural numbers discovered?
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Who discovered odd even real integers composite prime whole natural numbers?

albert chicpioonker

Who discovered the real numbers?

The real numbers are made up of: - natural numbers - zero - negative integers - fractions (rational numbers) - algebraic irrationals - like the square root of 2 - transcendental numbers - like pi It's likely that natural numbers - counting numbers - were known before recorded history. The more unusual kinds of real numbers were gradually understood as mathematics developed. You can't say that any particular person "discovered" the real numbers.

Did Euclid make prime numbers?

No, prime numbers already existed. Euclid simply made some important mathematical contributions related to prime numbers. Among others, he discovered a surprisingly simple proof that the set of prime numbers is infinite; and he discovered that the prime factorization of any natural number is unique.

How does the numbers discovered?

They were discovered by scientists

Are natural numbers real numbers?

Yes, all natural numbers are real numbers. Natural numbers are a subset of real numbers, so not all real numbers are natural numbers.

What is the intersection between rational numbers and natural numbers?

It is the set of natural numbers.

Who created the number 2?

God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.God created the numbers. Mankind merely discovered them.

What are the difference between natural numbers and irrational numbers?

All natural numbers are rational numbers. No irrational numbers are natural numbers.

Are natural numbers the same of rational numbers?

The set of rational numbers includes the set of natural numbers but they are not the same. All natural numbers are rational, not all rational numbers are natural.

Do set of natural numbers contain sets of whole numbers?

No. Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. Negative numbers are whole numbers but not natural.

What is natural numbers and zero called?

When it is not included in the natural numbers, it is referred to as 'the natural numbers with zero'.

What are differences between natural numbers and real numbers?

Natural numbers extend from 1 to positive infinity.Real numbers are all numbers between negative infinity and positive infinity.ALL natural numbers are real numbers, but NOT ALLreal numbers are natural numbers.