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Clever question! I think that people learn from their mistakes and often try to enhance what they have made. So, same is the case with this. Calculators were invented long before mobile phones. So, they now have ENHANCED that. It helps to decrease the distance a user will have to cover when moving to the bottom most side to press 1.Because users, usually, press numbers then operators so it would help if you start numbers from the top. Also, logically, digits start from top to bottom. --------- Yeah Its Rite Most n Appropriate Explanation. --------- No I strongly oppose it. First we have to think logically? Lemme ask this first, why does the needle move in clock wise direction, why not anti clockwise? Because what the former thing way the sundial, and it was invented in north and there the shadow goes anticlock wise. If it had been invented in south, we would have a clock with needle moving in anti-clock wise direction. Like wise, what was before calculator? It was abacus, in that the number were from 987.. so is calculator. I hope this is the most apt answer. Nothing like I appose others opinions.

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Q: Why are the numbers on a calculator arranged bottom up while the phone is top down?
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No, lists of phone numbers is not permitted on the website, per the Terms of Service. See the Link at the bottom of the web pages.

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When in the calculator app, hold your phone longways.

Why is the keypad of a calculator different from that of a telephone?

The calculator keypad is based on the configuration of older, mechanical calculators and adding machines. Even back when there was no such thing as a "calculator" there were mechanical devices that could add, subtract, multiply and divide. The layout of the keys in these machines were always with the smaller numbers on the bottom and the larger numbers on the top. The 100 key machines had a row of zeros across the bottom, a row of ones next in the line above and twos after that. They went on up to a row of nines at the top. You would punch in your number, using whatever keys were necessary. then depending on what you wanted to do, you would either punch in the next number or you would put in your operation. The phone started out with a rotary dial with the one at the top of the dial and the beginning of the alphabet starting with the number two, counter clockwise on the dial. This meant you turned the dial clockwise when you used it. This is the more comfortable direction to turn a dial with your finger. When push button phones came out, they just naturally followed the small numbers at the top rule that was started with the rotary dial phones.

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WHAT IS 5 plus 888 plus 676?

I suggest you learn to use the calculator that comes as one of the utilities on your computer (or smart phone).I suggest you learn to use the calculator that comes as one of the utilities on your computer (or smart phone).I suggest you learn to use the calculator that comes as one of the utilities on your computer (or smart phone).I suggest you learn to use the calculator that comes as one of the utilities on your computer (or smart phone).

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At the bottom it has this long ovel shape click at start of it then type anything Evan numbers don't give out any codes or phone numbers though

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