3 years and 97 days
No, 97 is not an even number.97 is actually an odd number. This is because it ends in "7", which is odd.
97 is an odd number. The reason it's an odd number because when you divide it by 2 there is a remainder of 1. For example 97 / 2 = 48 and a remainder of 1.
Yes 97 is an odd number. It's actually something you should know by head already.
119 years 97 days old
Odd times even is even.
97 is.
A period of 400 years contains 97 leap years. There are 24 hours in one day, 365 days in a regular year and 366 days in a leap year. Therefore, a period of 400 years will contain a total of ((400 - 97) x 24 x 365) + (97 x 24 x 366) = 3506328 hours.
97 days = 139,680 minutes
194 is twice 97