8,784 hours.
Not in a leap year, 28 days x 24 is 672 hrs. On a leap year, 696 hours.
A leap year has 366 days; a day has 24 hours. Just multiply those two numbers.
No. There are 8760 hours in a regular year, and 8784 hours in a leap year.
There are 366 days in a leap year. There are 24 hours in a day. Therefore 366 x 24 = 8784 hours in a leap year.There are 8784 hours in a leap year.365 Days x 24 Hours/Day = 8760 Hours8760 Hours/365 Days + 24 Hours/1 Day = 8784 Hours/366 Days.Normally, a year is 8760 hours. so, in leap hour,it is considered 8784 hours.
In the typical year there are 8,760 hours. In a leap year, there are 8,784 hours.
There is exactly the same number of hours in a year in Australia as there is in all other countries that observe the Gregorian calendar. In a non-leap year, there are 8760 hours in a year, and in a leap year there are 8784 hours in a year.
1416 in a non-leap year and 1440 in a leap year.
24x365=8760 hours or 8784 in a Leap Year. This is the simplest answer.
In a non-leap year, there are 365 days. Each day has 24 hours. So, to calculate the total number of hours in a non-leap year, you would multiply 365 days by 24 hours, which equals 8,760 hours.
if you mean how many hours you should sleep in a year it would be 3,650 hours of sleep for a regular year not a leap year
Leap years get one extra day, totaling 366 days. 24 hours in a day times 366 days equals 8784 hours.