A leap year has 366 days; a day has 24 hours. Just multiply those two numbers.
In a non-leap year, there are 365 days. Each day has 24 hours. So, to calculate the total number of hours in a non-leap year, you would multiply 365 days by 24 hours, which equals 8,760 hours.
11,395.8 hours using 365.25 days to account for if the year is a leap year, 11,388 hours if the year is a normal year, and 11,419.2 hours if the year is a leap year. The most likely answer would be the one using 365 days, so 11,388 hours.
number of days*24 depending whether or not it is a leap year
17,520 or 17,544 if one is a leap year.
There are 8760 hours in a standard year and 8784 in a leap year. At any time is dark somewhere on Earth, so you could say there are 8760 hours of darkness in a year and 8784 of darkness in a leap year. Another way of looking at it is where you are on the planet. At different times of year there are different amounts of darkness and daylight and then there is twilight. You could say it is dark anywhere for about half the year, so that would be 4380 hours in a normal year and 4392 hours in a leap year.
8,784 hours.
There are 24 more hours...
Not in a leap year, 28 days x 24 is 672 hrs. On a leap year, 696 hours.
There are 366 days in a leap year. There are 24 hours in a day. Therefore 366 x 24 = 8784 hours in a leap year.There are 8784 hours in a leap year.365 Days x 24 Hours/Day = 8760 Hours8760 Hours/365 Days + 24 Hours/1 Day = 8784 Hours/366 Days.Normally, a year is 8760 hours. so, in leap hour,it is considered 8784 hours.
In the typical year there are 8,760 hours. In a leap year, there are 8,784 hours.
There is exactly the same number of hours in a year in Australia as there is in all other countries that observe the Gregorian calendar. In a non-leap year, there are 8760 hours in a year, and in a leap year there are 8784 hours in a year.
1416 in a non-leap year and 1440 in a leap year.
24x365=8760 hours or 8784 in a Leap Year. This is the simplest answer.
In a non-leap year, there are 365 days. Each day has 24 hours. So, to calculate the total number of hours in a non-leap year, you would multiply 365 days by 24 hours, which equals 8,760 hours.
if you mean how many hours you should sleep in a year it would be 3,650 hours of sleep for a regular year not a leap year
Leap years get one extra day, totaling 366 days. 24 hours in a day times 366 days equals 8784 hours.
Depends on when the leap year starts