30 days are in the month of September
The month of Novemmber has thirty days.
20 days and an extra month of 5 days.
They have thirty days in every month but only 3 weeks in a month, with ten days in a week :)
8 days is about 1/4 of a month (0.26 month on average). The average number of days in a month is 30.4 days.
Days vary month by month but the average is 30 days. Roughly 720 hours.
31 days.
it depends on which month some have 30 days and some have 28 days.
Considering an average month 30 days, 43 days is 1 month 13 days or 1 month, 1 week and 6 days.
Lunar month = 29.53059 days (just over twenty-nine and a half days).
Depends on how many days are in the month. If there are 30 days in a month then there are 43,200 minutes. If there are 31 days in a month then there are 44,640 minutes. The math is very simple: 60 (min.) X 24 (hours) = 1440 (min.) Then..... 1440 (min.) X x(how many days) = (min)
28 days.