On today's date, 1st September 2012, you would be 39 years old.
If you were born in September of 1972, you would be 37 today.
On today's date, April 22, 2011, you would be 14,062 days old.
Eminem was born on October 17, 1972
You would be 38 this year.
Michael Fayne was born on October 31, 1972, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Gabrielle Union was born on October 29, 1972.
Eminem was born on October 17th 1972. So Eminem is 36 turning 37 in 2009.
Miriam Hopkins was born on October 18, 1902 and died on October 9, 1972. Miriam Hopkins would have been 69 years old at the time of death or 112 years old today.
Today (October 28, 2009) would be your birthday. You would become 24 today,and would remain 24 until October 28 next year.Happy birthday to you !
Tarkan is 38 years old (birthdate: October 17, 1972).