If you were born on October 31 1996 you would be 4875 days old on Mar 7 2010.
366 days (it was a leap year)
31 days. The number of days in October has remained the same since about 45BC.
There are 42 days. (Calculated on 27th August 2010)
If you were born on October 31 1996 you would be 4875 days old on Mar 7 2010.
On the 19th of December 2008 you would be 13,308 days old. You would have been born on a Thursday.
As of 4/11/14, you are 5666 days old.
7638 days including today (27/09/2010)
October has always had 31 days.
There were 31 days in October 1956.
There are 31 days in the month of October.
There were 31 days in October 2012.
366 days (it was a leap year)
September October and November have 91 days.
Hi There Are 31 Days In October I go in Orchard Primary school