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Personal experiments have shown that temperatures below 25°C make the ball bounce less. From 25°C and upwards there aren't any greater changes in height of bounce. The balls bounce almost the same.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Given the same ball manufacturer and product, warm tennis balls will bounce higher than cold ones. However, there are specially made tennis balls that will bounce equally high for a given environment, whether it be in low or high altitudes, temperatures, humidity, court surfaces, etc.

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14y ago

No, a room temperature ball does not bounce higher than a heated tennis ball. In fact, the heated tennis ball will bounce higher than its room temperature counterpart. This is because tennis balls rely on a high pressure internal pocket of air for their bounce.

Heating the tennis ball would increase the pressure of the air inside the ball (pressure varies as temperature) which would cause the tennis ball to bounce higher. This holds (albeit for different reasons) for most solid balls as well, such as baseballs.

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12y ago

In the nature of science the ball would bounce higher whens its warmer because the air wont be so thick. That means the ball woukld get more air

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13y ago

The tennis ball will bounce higher in hot weather than in cold weather.

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13y ago

warmer. because the air will be lighter

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16y ago


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Q: Does a tennis ball bounce higher when it is warmer or colder?
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How does the tempoure of a ball effactus how hi it bounce?

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