The standard score on a words per minute typing test is considered to be 60 wpm. This minimum score measures both your overall keystroke rate (how many keys you actually hit in the minute) as well as your accuracy. Therefore, if you hit 70 keystrokes, but made 7 errors, your score would be 63 wpm.
150 words per minute
1,500 words per minute.
171.333 words
90 words per minute
Net words per minute. referring to an average count of how many words you can type in one minute.
2500 to 3500 words
Steve Woodmore spoke 595 words in 56.01 seconds giving a speed of 637 words per Minute, Sean Shannon spoke 266 words in 23.8 seconds giving a speed of 655 worrds per minute. As the question is how many words per minute then Steve woodmore is the one that can actually talk for a minute
A first grade student isn't tested on the number of words read a minute. They are tested on how many words that they read correctly on a page.