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Q: What is the descriptive measure of samples?
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How can descriptive statistics be used to understand a samples characteristics?

Will a sample descriptive statistics accurately estimate the underlying population's parameters?

What is descriptive data?

Descriptive data refers to information that summarizes the characteristics of a dataset, providing insights into its central tendencies, variability, and distribution. This type of data is used to describe the basic features of the data in a clear and understandable way, without making inferences or predictions.

What balance is best used to measure samples?

A precision balance is best used to measure samples in a laboratory setting. These balances provide accurate measurements for small or sensitive samples, making them ideal for use in scientific research and experiments.

Do you need to know the individual masses of the samples of water and salt in order to measure the change in mass when the two samples are mixed?

No, you do not need to know the individual masses of the samples of water and salt to measure the change in mass when they are mixed. You can simply measure the mass of the mixture before and after mixing to determine the change in mass.

What does a cardiac measure?

It measure pressure, oxygen and blood gases. It takes blood samples and measures the output of the heart.

How do you measure water absorption of rock samples?

by weighing the object firstweighing it after it has been in the waterthat is how you measure rock absortion

What are the features of descriptive research?

A major feature of descriptive research studies is that - quantitative representation of behavior, opinions, or phenomenon. Representative samples or entire populations so draw conclusions, specify particular characteristics they wish to study in advance of data collection

What are some samples of worldview descriptive phrases?

"Perception shapes reality." "We are all interconnected." "Life is a journey of self-discovery." "The universe is governed by cause and effect."

What does a cardiac catheter measure?

It measure pressure, oxygen and blood gases. It takes blood samples and measures the output of the heart.

What are the Tools used in descriptive statistics?

frequency distribution regression analysis measure of central tendency

What is descriptive investigation?

a descriptive investigation is a scientific ivestigation that collects data which measure or decribe objects or events. it collects qualitative & quantitative data. it includes a question, but no hypothesis ; no variables are manipulated .

How do oceanographers measure the different densities out in the open ocean?

By Bringing up samples at different depths.